Bristol Cider Tour: 6th October 2007
Admirably Terse Write-Up Provided by Dr Fiona
Dancers Fiona, Angi, Katie, Lizzie, Jill, Sally
Musician Billy the Piper (no, not that one, though come to think of it, his pipes could easily have doubled as an alien)
Dance spots Rose of Denmark, Nova Scotia, SS Great Britain, The Orchard, Llandoger Trow, Harbourside, Pitcher and Porter, Cotham Porter Stores, Highbury Vaults, Micawbers, Scotchman and his Pack
Number of Dances 16
Best Dance Highbury Vaults
Most interesting spot under the bow (or was it the stern) of the SS Great Britain
Most appreciative audience the 5 unsuspecting souls in the Rose of Denmark who'd gone in for a quiet lunchtime pint
Pints of Cider ...erm
Best Hangover Angi
Worst Cold Lizzie
Most Ridiculous Wig Sally
Best Sporting Fixture England beating France in the Rugby World Cup
Best Excuse For Chocolate Katie I-think-I'm-going-to-faint Moss
Last modified: Sat Jun 09 10:41:52 GMT Daylight Time 2012